Jumat, 17 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ Cooking for Two: Efficient and Delicious Meals

Cooking for Two: Efficient and Delicious Meals

Cooking for Two: Efficient and Delicious Meals

Cooking for Two: Efficient and Delicious Meals PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Forget trying to adapt standard recipes to smaller portions, these 100+ dishes were designed expressly for intimate servings for two. Divided seasonally, the tempting suggestions include easy, everyday summer fare such as warm chicken salad with fresh peaches, cornmeal-crusted scallops with corn relish, and orange gingerbread with citrus cream. As the autumn chill sets in, settle down with a bowl of tortellini stew with spinach and tomato, Moroccan lamb chops, and a warm chocolate truffle tart. With serving suggestions displayed in full color, the offerings span the complete meal, from appetizers through dessert. There are also numerous sidebars with wine pairing suggestions, tips for cooking and grilling smaller amounts of food, and money-saving ideas for reusing excess ingredients.


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