Jumat, 31 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ 250 Poems: A Portable Anthology by Peter Schakel, Jack Ridl

250 Poems: A Portable Anthology by Peter Schakel, Jack Ridl

250 Poems: A Portable Anthology

250 Poems: A Portable Anthology by Peter Schakel, Jack Ridl PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

250 Poems: A Portable Anthology offers a brief but surprisingly comprehensive selection of chronologically arranged poetry, supported by succinct, practical editorial features, at a great price. The third edition features 70 new poems, many of them by young contemporary poets, a new appendix on writing about poetry, and an alternative thematic table of contents. Like other volumes in Bedford/St. Martin’s popular series of Portable Anthologies and Portable Guides, 250 Poems offers the series’ trademark combination of high quality and great value for teachers of literature, writing, and creative writing and their cost-conscious students.

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