Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ R. E. Olds and Industrial Lansing (MI) (Images of America) by Michael Rodriguez

R. E. Olds and Industrial Lansing (MI) (Images of America) by Michael Rodriguez

R. E. Olds  and  Industrial  Lansing   (MI)   (Images  of  America)

R. E. Olds and Industrial Lansing (MI) (Images of America) by Michael Rodriguez PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Upon the dedication of a new Capitol building in 1879, the city of Lansing was just beginning to emerge from the swampy wilderness of its recent past. As industry began to take root along the banks of the Grand River, Ransom Eli Olds brought his fatherÂ’s motor shop to national prominence with advancements in gasoline and steam engines, and then horseless carriages. By the early 20th century, Oldsmobile became the worldÂ’s first mass producer of automobiles and Olds had moved on to found a second car company, making Lansing the first Auto City. Through these efforts, Olds rose to become one of the nationÂ’s greatest industrialists and entrepreneurs. Using primary documents and historical images, this book traces the industrial history of the Capital City within the context of one of the 20th centuryÂ’s greatest entrepreneurs, R.E. Olds.

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