Senin, 31 Maret 2014

PDF⋙ Do-It-Yourself Boat Repairs by Jim Murrant

Do-It-Yourself Boat Repairs by Jim Murrant

Do-It-Yourself Boat Repairs

Do-It-Yourself Boat Repairs by Jim Murrant PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Demonstrating how to carry out most common repairs to both motor and sail boats, this practical guide covers all repairs, both on land and at sea, including repairs to masts and rigging, deck and hull, stainless steel fittings, sails, pumps, electrics, heads, autosteering, winches and motors. Every repair is broken down into steps, which include dismantling, the actual repair and re-assembly. Illustrations demonstrate the techniques and repairs. Jim Murrant is the author of "The Boating Bible".

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